Job Tracking Software

Maximize productivity effortlessly. Seamlessly monitor tasks, analyze performance, and optimize workflows in real-time.

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Track time spent on tasks to get a real-time, clear overview of the team's capacity

Easy to use, cross-platform time and job tracking software for teams that strive to do better

What are job tracking apps?

Job tracking software is a work management platform that helps you track workload and project progress. Job-tracking apps are usually project management tools or time tracking software, and they offer much more than just a space to store and process job-related information.

Time tracking tools (or project management tools with time tracking features) automate the time recording process and keep project data and key information about employees in an easily accessible place.

By implementing the best job tracking software into your company's workflow, you can finally replace messy spreadsheets like Excel or Google Sheets and access timesheets, reports, and work attendance data anytime you want.

What's best job tracking software?

Try TimeCamp, a fully-fledged job and time tracking software with task management features.

How to enable a job tracking system?

Setting up a job tracking system takes only a few minutes, but it pays off in hours saved compared to manually completing the process.

Step 1

Sign up for a free TimeCamp job tracker tool account here.

Step 2

Invite your team and set the preferences

The TimeCamp time and job tracker tool has a separate privilege system for account and project management. This way, regular account users can also be assigned as project managers, and account supervisors may participate in projects as users.

In addition to team roles, you can also invite Guests—a special role dedicated to the side that participates in the project but is not involved in working on it, like clients or stakeholders. Guests can only browse reports created for projects they're involved in.

Step 3

Track time and job details

Make a proper introduction of time and job tracking system to your team. Explain why the company decided to track time and how to:

  • use a web app to start a new timer or add time entries manually,

  • track hours automatically and without switching tabs with a desktop app,

  • track time and location with a job tracking app for mobile devices,

  • download a browser extension for Chrome and Edge,

  • register clock in and out hours with a Time Kiosk tool.

You can mark each time entry as billable hours, add notes with job descriptions, and assign tags for better categorization and streamlined reporting.

All TimeCamp apps work in perfect sync, so even if your job requires switching clocking in multiple times a day from various devices, your timesheets are always filled with billable hours accurately.

As mentioned above, explain clearly why your company decided to track tasks and work hours. Unaddressed doubts affect the trust between employees and supervisors and often result in a decrease in motivation.

Step 4:

Try out the integrations

TimeCamp integrates directly with 30+ tools, allowing you to start the timer inside your favorite apps or import the entire job description structure to TimeCamp.

Download Edge or Chrome extension to extend this list to 70+ tools.

Moreover, you can connect TimeCamp with a Google Calendar account to automatically add jobs and events to your timesheet as separate time entries.

Step 5

Analyze performance

Use data provided by job tracking software to generate reports of time usage across the tasks and:

  • regularly check job performance to streamline workflows and manage projects more efficiently,

  • show your clients proof of work based on employee time (by sending them invitations to your account as Guests or by sharing a link or file with the report),

  • stay up to date with project statuses and make resource adjustments in time if needed,

  • compare how many billable and non-billable hours were tracked per project or task,

  • analyze the risk of understaffing to decide about hiring managers or regular employees,

  • prepare accurate estimates for the next projects.

Reports are fully exportable to PDF/CSV/Excel format. You also can generate a handy link or schedule periodic email reports.

Step 6

Manage job attendance

With TimeCamp, keeping records of job attendance is a breeze. Our job tracker registers vacations, sick leaves, and remote work to keep paperwork in order, ensure accurate payroll records, and settle employee time fairly.

Best features

Automated time tracking software

Download TimeCamp for your desktop and enjoy the most efficient way to streamline job tracking. This automatic job tracker tracks time in the background and seamlessly assigns time entries to tasks based on predefined keywords. It saves you hours on manual timesheet filling and helps increase productivity by reducing distractions to a minimum.

Detailed reports

The robust reporting system in TimeCamp provides key information about project progress and employees' performance, helping you make more data-derived decisions about the business's growth.

You can choose from many summaries with predefined values or open a pivot table to create customizable reports using a drag-and-drop feature.


GPS job tracking lets you monitor employees' locations in real time. Assign team members to specific job sites, and once an employee enters a desired location, TimeCamp starts a new timer and notifies you who has just started working and where. Access the Geofencing dashboard for a quick overview of the team's stats or generate reports to browse and analyze older records.


Track, manage, and categorize expenses related to specific jobs and get an overview of spending per project within a specific time range. You can also make the expenses billable and include them when issuing an invoice.

What are the benefits of using a job tracker tool?

Reduce time spent on administrative processes

Leveraging technologies is a must these days for high-performing teams. Whether small businesses or big enterprises, companies should remember that embracing automation is the only way to stay competitive and not lose their market share just because they stick to outdated management methods.

To ensure your business's continuous success, consider replacing traditional, time-consuming methods of tracking time and attendance with an online job tracking app.

A cloud-based job tracker, like TimeCamp, saves your team a few hours per month by tracking time using digital devices. It works fully online, significantly reducing paper usage and the costs of printing documents.

What's more, by implementing an online job tracking solution, your company:

  • keeps time and tasks details in one, easily accessible and safe place,

  • saves time on doing administrative work manually,

  • uses one tool to track job time and approve timesheets even if the employees work from the other side of the globe,

  • tracks project progress on the go,

  • have a chance to take a more eco-friendly approach.

Good news: even if your team hasn't had a budget yet, TimeCamp covers all these perks in a plan for unlimited users for free.

Streamline project management

Each job is a separate task requiring a certain amount of time and human resources to complete within the deadline. The job tracking system makes task management easier, providing project managers with invaluable job information regarding employee performance, resource usage, and goal achievement progress.

A job tracker also helps keep tasks and time tracked across them perfectly organized.

This way, project data is always at hand, ready to:

  • get used for progress and performance analysis,

  • prepare accurate estimates,

  • track job budgets, and many more.

Get paid fairly

Imagine going through the tedious job search process and landing your dream job. But once the payday comes, you realize they didn't pay you even half of what was stated in the job description! Sounds frustrating, doesn't it?

Even if your company still hasn't implemented job tracking software with a time tracking feature, nobody has said you can't get one for private use. Sign up for a free TimeCamp account, install a job tracker tool on your desktop or mobile device, or download a Chrome extension. Ensure your work hours are always registered to a single minute, along with (optional) user activity.

Remember to turn on the job tracking software daily for the most accurate results. Use project data to generate detailed summaries of your performance in a specific time period. Once you discover you're underpaid, send them to your project managers as proof of work to clarify the situation and receive the right amount of money.

If it still doesn't work, search for new job opportunities instead of wasting your time on job scams. Top tip: Include the job tracker in the list of tools you use in your CV to attract potential employers.

One tool to streamline time and job tracking

Unlimited users - unlimited projects - free forever

Keep your time under control with TimeCamp, a simple overtime tracking software!

Start tracking time