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HIPAA complaint time tracking software

Track time in your company with TimeCamp - easy-to-use software that meets high-security standards of HIPAA. Monitor billable hours and employees' attendance on detailed reports.

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activity tracking project

Risk management

Our Information Security Management System Supervisor manages users’ access and data processing methods to minimize risks. Due to our administrative and physical safeguards, all data are under maximum protection.

activity tracking project

Internal procedures

We maintain a register of authorizations to process personal data, as well as security incidents. Our employees have dedicated procedures to work with data and how to act in certain situations.

activity tracking project

Regular evaluation

We conduct periodic safety audits focused on technical and nontechnical evaluation as well as documents review. In addition, we provide our employees with regular data safety training with a knowledge test at the end. There are also periodic penetration tests to minimize the system's vulnerability to external attacks.

activity tracking project

Data encryption

All data processed by TimeCamp are encrypted and transmitted only through a trusted VPN connection.


Activity tracking

You can control the time spent working on a specific project if a person is working on several projects at once.

activity tracking project
activity tracking project

Project management

Easily set revenue and expense rates and immediately check profitability in real time.


You can bill the customer on the basis of time worked - accurately measured.

activity tracking project
Start tracking time
activity tracking project

Desktop App

The app is discrete and always in the foreground so you remember to track the time.

Start tracking time


Why choose TimeCamp - HIPAA compliant time tracking software?


TimeCamp time tracking is easy to use for everyone in your organization.


Our software is 100% compliant with GDPR and CCPA regulations.


We use self-hosting to ensure the maximum security of your vulnerable data.


We can provide custom-made solutions for bigger organizations.


You can get all the time reports you need, including custom ones, in the format you prefer with just a few clicks.


You can manage user roles and permissions to be sure that only people with authorization will get access to specific data.

Track time and increase profibility with easy-to-use HIPAA compliant software.