TimeCamp ROI Calculator

ROI time tracking calculator is an answer on why should you even consider time tracking at your company. Because, if getting real control on your projects, better workforce management, and better time management is not enough… just focus on your Return On Investment.

TimeCamp is not monitoring your employee's time at work just to help your managers. This is a real money-saver because for a few reasons.

Want to measure working time for your company?

Track your time for free with TimeCamp.

Start for free


First, with TimeCamp, you save your team member’s time that they spend on filling timesheets. And it can be a lot of time. Even if they spend around 2 minutes per day doing this, costs are visible during the year.

Add to these costs of paper and also the distracting effect. People hate doing things like this, and usually, they spend much more time on it than this estimated 2 minutes. Later on, they have problems with coming back to work.

Second, TimeCamp shows you how much time do your employees spend on each computer activity. They often don’t even know how much time do they lose on such distractions as Facebook or other non-job-related activities. TimeCamp helps to notice it and boost their productivity.

Our ROI time tracking calculator will show you how much you can really save.

Return on Investment (ROI) is a financial metric used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or compare the efficiencies of several different investments. ROI measures the amount of return on an investment relative to the investment's cost. To calculate ROI, the benefit (or return) of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment; the result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio.

The basic formula for ROI is:

  • Initial Investment refers to the amount of money initially invested or the cost of initiating the investment.

  • Investment Return is the money gained or lost from the investment, which can include dividends, interest, and capital gains, or loss from the sale of the investment.

To give an example, if you invested $1,000 in a mutual fund and sold your shares later for $1,200, your investment return is $1,200. The initial investment was $1,000. Using the formula:

This means you have made a 20% return on your original investment. The ROI calculation provides a straightforward way to compare the profitability of different investments, allowing investors to assess which investment offers the best return relative to its cost. It's a critical tool for financial analysis, helping investors make informed decisions based on the potential return of investment opportunities. However, it's important to consider that ROI does not account for the time value of money or investment risks, which can also significantly impact investment decisions.

ROI time tracking calculator is a simple tool that helps you with counting how much money can you save with TimeCamp. It estimates the amount, including a 10% increase in the utilization rate because this is the usual increase among our customers.

But the reality is that you can actually save even more. It all depends on your team and how do you use TimeCamp.

Using our ROI time tracking calculator couldn’t be easier (we really put attention to usability while creating it).

Simply fill the first box with an amount of the employees who are filling timesheets at your company or projects, to the second put how much do you bill per hour, and to the last box the billable rate.

An investment calculator is a valuable tool that can help you determine the Return on Investment (ROI) for your financial assets, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate. To use an ROI calculator effectively, you'll need to input specific information about your investment, such as the initial investment amount, the final value of the investment, and any additional costs associated with the investment. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use an investment calculator to calculate your ROI:

  1. Enter the Initial Investment: This is the amount of money you initially put into the investment. It could be the purchase price of a stock, the principal of a bond, or the down payment on a property.

  2. Input the Final Value of the Investment: This is the amount you receive after selling the investment or its value at the end of the investment period. It should include any profits made from the sale, dividends received, or interest earned.

  3. Include Additional Costs: If there were any expenses incurred during the holding period, such as brokerage fees, transaction costs, or maintenance expenses, add these to the calculator. These costs are subtracted from the final return to give a more accurate picture of the investment's performance.

  4. Specify the Time Period: For investments held over a period, entering the time frame will help in calculating the annualized ROI, which standardizes the return across different time periods for easier comparison.

Once all the necessary information is entered, the investment calculator will use the ROI formula to compute your return on investment. The formula it applies is similar to:

The result is expressed as a percentage, representing the efficiency of your investment relative to its initial cost. A higher ROI percentage indicates a more profitable investment. Using an ROI calculator helps investors quickly assess the effectiveness of their investment strategies and make informed decisions about future investments based on past performance. It's an essential tool for anyone looking to maximize their investment returns while considering the costs and time involved.

While using our ROI time tracking calculator for the first time, you can estimate how much money will you save after purchasing TimeCamp and letting it automatically fill the timesheets.

However, you can also check how much would you save if you increase your utilization rate even more - with a help of the data that TimeCamp gives you.

Simply check how the amount of saved money changes when you increase your billable utilization.

Annualised ROI is a version of the return on investment metric that adjusts the ROI calculation to reflect the return per year. This is particularly useful for comparing investments of different durations, as it provides a standardized way of evaluating investment performance over time. While simple ROI gives a snapshot of the total return relative to the initial investment, annualised ROI breaks this down to an average annual figure, making it easier to compare investments over varying time frames.

The formula for calculating annualised ROI is:


  • Net Profit is the total return from the investment minus the initial investment cost.

  • n is the duration of the investment in years.

For example, if you invested $1,000 and received $1,600 after 3 years, your simple ROI would be 60% ($600 profit / $1,000 initial investment). However, to find the annualised ROI, you would calculate it as follows:

This calculation provides a rate that expresses the yearly return, offering a clearer view of the investment's performance, especially when comparing investments of different lengths.

The key difference between simple and annualised ROI is the consideration of time. Simple ROI does not account for how long an investment is held, which can significantly impact an investor's perspective on investment efficiency. Annualised ROI, by standardizing returns to an annual basis, allows for a more apples-to-apples comparison between investments, regardless of their duration.

Annualised ROI is particularly important in the context of long-term investments, such as mutual funds, retirement accounts, or any investment where the funds are committed for several years. It helps investors understand not just the total return they can expect, but how that return translates into an average yearly gain, providing a clearer picture of the investment's potential growth over time.

Accounting for investment cost is crucial when calculating the Return on Investment (ROI) as it ensures that the calculation reflects the true profit or loss from an investment after considering all expenses. Investment costs can significantly impact the final ROI, providing a more accurate measure of an investment's performance. Here's how to incorporate these costs into your ROI calculation:

  1. Identify All Costs: Begin by identifying all the costs associated with your investment. This can include brokerage fees, transaction fees, advisory fees, maintenance costs for real estate investments, or fund management fees for mutual funds. Ensure you account for both the costs incurred at the time of purchase and any ongoing or final costs when selling the investment.

  2. Adjust the Investment Return: Subtract the total investment costs from the gross return (the amount received from selling the investment or its final value). This adjusted return reflects the actual profit after all costs.

  3. Use the Adjusted Figures in the ROI Formula: Once you have the adjusted return, use it in the ROI formula in place of the gross return. The formula for ROI, including investment costs, is:


  • Adjusted Investment Return is the final value of the investment after adding any profits and subtracting all associated costs.

  • Initial Investment is the amount of money initially put into the investment.

  1. Example Calculation: If you invested $1,000 in a stock and sold it for $1,200, but incurred $50 in brokerage fees and $20 in other costs, your adjusted investment return would be:

Thus, your ROI calculation would be:

This method ensures that the ROI reflects the net gain or loss on the investment after all expenses, providing a more accurate assessment of its true performance. It's important to accurately track and include all costs related to your investment to ensure the reliability of the ROI calculation. This comprehensive approach allows investors to make more informed decisions by considering the total impact of costs on their investment returns.

A negative Return on Investment (ROI) indicates that the investment has lost value, leading to a net loss when compared to the initial investment amount. This outcome means that the costs and expenses associated with the investment have exceeded the returns generated during the investment period. Here's how to interpret and respond to a negative ROI:

  1. Understanding Negative ROI: A negative ROI is a clear signal that an investment has not performed as expected, resulting in a financial loss. It's essential to analyze the factors contributing to this outcome, such as market volatility, poor investment decisions, unexpected economic conditions, or specific issues related to the investment itself.

  2. Review Investment Strategy: Assess your investment strategy and the assumptions that led to choosing the particular investment. Consider whether the negative ROI is a result of short-term market fluctuations or fundamental flaws in your investment approach. Re-evaluating your strategy can help identify areas for improvement and avoid similar outcomes in the future.

  3. Assess Risk Tolerance: Experiencing a negative ROI is an opportunity to reassess your risk tolerance. Determine if the investment was too risky relative to your financial goals and risk appetite. Adjusting your portfolio to better align with your risk tolerance can help manage future investment outcomes more effectively.

  4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Diversification can mitigate the risk of negative ROI by spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and geographies. A well-diversified portfolio is less likely to be impacted significantly by the poor performance of a single investment.

  5. Consider the Time Horizon: If your investment horizon is long-term, temporary negative ROI might be less concerning, as investments can fluctuate over time. Evaluate whether holding the investment with the expectation of a future recovery aligns with your overall investment goals and timeline.

  6. Learn and Adapt: Use the experience of a negative ROI as a learning opportunity. Analyzing what went wrong can provide valuable insights that enhance your investment knowledge and decision-making skills for future investments.

  7. Seek Professional Advice: If you're unsure about how to respond to a negative ROI, consider consulting with a financial advisor. Professional advice can offer personalized strategies to recover from losses and realign your investment portfolio with your financial objectives.

Responding to a negative ROI involves a mix of strategic assessment, portfolio adjustment, and, sometimes, patience. It's crucial to remember that investing inherently involves risks, and experiencing losses is a part of the investment journey. The key is to learn from these experiences, make informed adjustments, and continue working towards your financial goals with a refined approach.

TimeCamp monitors all the computer’s activity. That is why you and your employees will be able to see how much do they spend on a particular activity and improve it. It’s not just about spending too much time on breaks surfing on social media because your team members have issues with time-controlling.

Imagine that your employee spends a lot more time on the same work-related activities than their colleagues. Without TimeCamp it would be hard to notice. But when you do, you can ask the most efficient team members to teach other employees how do they handle these tasks.

And suddenly, your utilization rate is increasing!